"job application letters" site for job seekers

Sunday 1 January 2012

"Job Application Letters" hints and tips

There are several useful hints and tips about writing a job application letter. Most of them are very straightforward. However, one of the most useful ideas is to put yourself in the place of the person receiving the letter and asking whether it would be useful. For example receiving a job application or "Job Application  Letters" with no covering letter would imply the person did not really care, or know how to apply. Similarly receiving a job application letter that is well thought out and well presented will enhance and prospects of being successful at the job interview.
Some simple pointers, hints and tips are given below:
  1. Don't make the letter too long:   The letter is meant to be eye catching, so don't re-iterate the "Job Application  Letters". Keep the letter succinct.
  2. Avoid flowery language:   Again the letter is meant to concise and to the point. Flowery language will seem out of place.
  3. tailor the letter to the job and company:   It is worth making sure the letter is not seen as a "round robin" sent out to many people and companies. If it is tailored to the company it will show professionalism.
  4. Check spelling:   Don't rely on the spell checker. Read the letter over very carefully for spelling and grammatical errors. Even get someone else to check it through as they will see it with different eyes and may have some helpful suggestions.
  5. Email and snail mail:   Even if a "Job Application  Letters" is sent in by email, a covering note in the email should contain many of the basics of a paper letter, but obviously within the general email format.
  6. Use good quality paper:   While not spending out specially for any paper, the "Job Application  Letters" should be produced on good quality office paper. It obviously must never be lined even if submitting a handwritten letter.
  7. Typed / computer generated not hand written:   It is normally expected that unless a handwritten letter is specifically requested, the letter should be typed or more usually these days generated on a computer. The font chosen should normally be fairly formal in nature.
Ref: Radio-electronics.com

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